Canandaigua, NY

This is a listing of some of the Don Hershey homes in Canandaigua, NY. It includes information such as the year it was built, the name of the original owner and other descriptive information. In some instances, there is a link to photos of the home. Just click on the “Photos” link for that home. This is a work in progress so by no means a complete listing. If you know of other homes that belong on this list, please comment here.

6765 State Route 21 (Town of South Bristol)
Milton and Janet Karz
Don’s book listed it as built between 1966-1968 but current owners say their documentation says 1975. Possibly built in 1968 and additions in 1975?
Current owners, Marty and Jill Gordon, said, “Some updates have been done over the years to make the home livable, but it does have one of the most spectacular views up the lake and the general layout is untouched. Believed to be the only Hershey home on the lake. Modifications were needed because the design was originally a butterfly roof and the roofing products of 1975 did not result in a waterproof valley. The home was completed in 1975 and has a sweeping view northeast into the Vine Valley across the lake. Milton Karz, the original owner, was the developer for Riverton in Henrietta and Rustic Village Apartments across from the MCC campus. Interestingly, the siding on the house matches those two Karz projects.”
(Did Hershey build an earlier house in Canandaigua in 1966 for Karz that included passive solar with builder Bill Wertheid or Westheid?)

1122 East Lake Road (Vine Valley)
Paul and Mandy Crookshank
This was the last home designed by Don Hershey per article “They Came to Honor Him”
Here’s the section of the article
Letter from Paul Crookshank to Don

West Lake Road
Al Lindgrom (Lindgren)
(Bernie Newman 2nd owner)

H.H. Sullivan
Notated in Don’s book. An addition to an existing house?

Art Stern
Notated in Don’s book. Summer resident.

Al Kauffman (Kuffman)

(Judge) Max Cohen

4 Replies to “Canandaigua, NY”

  1. I believe our home in Canandaigua may have been designed by Don Hershey. It was built in 1963. I have the name of the original owners (we are the 4th). How can I find out for sure if this was one that Don designed?

  2. We currently live in the Milton Karz house on Canandaigua Lake. We believe it to be the only Hershey home on the lake. I have the original set of blueprints stamped by Don. Modifications were needed because the design was originally a butterfly roof and the roofing products of 1975 did not result in a waterproof valley. The home was completed in 1975 and has a sweeping view northeast into the Vine Valley across the lake. Milton Katz was the original owner and he was the developer for Riverton in Henrietta and Rustic Village Apartments across from the MCC campus. Interestingly, the siding on our house matches those two Karz projects.

    1. Marty,
      Thanks for your comments. I would be very interested in seeing the blueprints. Could you send me photos of them?

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