This is a listing of some of the Don Hershey homes in Honeoye Falls, NY. It includes information such as the year it was built, the name of the original owner and other descriptive information. In some instances, there is a link to photos of the home. Just click on the “Photos” link for that home. This is a work in progress so by no means a complete listing. If you know of other homes that belong on this list, please comment here.
200 Sheldon Road (Manor House)
1966-1967 (8/25/66-12/24/67)
William J. Brown
Modern Classic, house 8,000 square feet, indoor pool 4,000 square feet, electric roof on pool, 7 bedrooms, 7 bathrooms, 7 dressing rooms on 21.3 acres. Brick with pillars on the porch. Long white fence in front along road.
Hershey coded with 3 stars.
See the featured article about this home.
Photos and more information
(Home belonging to friends of Sally?)