This is a listing of some of the Don Hershey homes in other areas. It includes information such as the year it was built, the name of the original owner and other descriptive information. In some instances, there is a link to photos of the home. Just click on the “Photos” link for that home. This is a work in progress so by no means a complete listing. If you know of other homes that belong on this list, please comment here.
Batavia, NY
247 East Avenue
More information
100 Oak Street
Looks like a Hershey. Concrete block ranch with corner windows and radiant heat. Had a flat roof until a renovation in the 70’s due to snow and water damage.
Real estate listing
Geneva, NY
Honeoye Falls, NY (real estate listing, no address, clipping in file, Prudential Rochester Realty, agent name Bev French)
Honeoye Lake (West side)
John Christie
New house out of old barn
Lyndonville, NY
Bob Whipple
More information
Medina, NY
381 Erie Street
Bernard Hart
Millionaire client and Don gave it 3-stars which indicated an important client/house. It has radiant heat (copper). Medina sandstone foundation and interior fireplace.
1 Downs Road
(probably a Hershey)
Oak Orchard
Bob & Ruth Vosteen
Oak Orchard
Possible Hershey, Owners are Tony & Judy (Bob & Liz gave us this info) (plus another two doors to the west of their house)
Newark, NY
Queenstown, Maryland
Luther Knight
Modern Georgian
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